
On behalf of the Council for International Congresses of Entomology, I extend a cordial invitation to all Fellow Entomologists to participate in the “24th International Congress of Entomology”, being hosted by the Entomological Society of South Korea, at Daegu in 2012. The Entomology Congress will be a great opportunity to learn about the advances made in the science of entomology in the recent past, and promote dialogue and establish collaboration between the entomologists from different continents. The Entomology Congress will also provide an unique opportunity to learn about the advances made in the science of entomology in Korea, and visit the Institute of Industrial Entomology, Yecheon, and the Hampyeong Butterfly and Insect Exhibition. The deliberations during the entomology congress, comprising of invited lectures by the leading entomologists in different disciplines and over 15 concurrent sessions, will provide a unique opportunity to listen to, and interact with the pioneers from different branches of entomology, and a platform for interaction between the young and the experienced entomologists. The deliberations during the Entomology Congress will also create an awareness of the challenges that we need to address for sustainability of the environment and food security. There will also be ample opportunities for interaction between the scientists from public and private institutions, which will accelerate the pace of translating innovations into action for the welfare of mankind. The congress will provide ample opportunities to discuss the use of genetically modified organisms such as plants, natural enemies, and microbes for pest management and their non-target effects on the environment. Another important topic that warrants urgent attention is the issue of global warming and its effect on geographic distribution of insect pest, effects on bio-control agents, and effectiveness of synthetic insecticides for insect control. Critical issues related to invasive species, bio-security, insecticide residues in food and food products, and development of resistance to insecticides and genetically engineered plants will also be addressed in relation to sustainable crop protection. The enthusiasm and excitement displayed by the Organizing Committee and the local administration certainly promises that the “24th International Congress of Entomology” will be a grand success. The venue of the Entomology Congress is in the historical city of Daegu, which provides an appropriate setting and up-to-date technical facilities for the congress. I am sure, the Organizing Committee will plan and organize the Entomology Congress in a highly professional and dedicated manner to make it a grand success, and I look forward to see you all in South Korea in 2012.