
4th Annual BioProcess International China, 21-22 August 2012, Shanghai China

At IBC''s 4th Annual BioProcess International?China event, the goal is to bring China and the rest of the world together to explore the missing gaps in China''s development, and to help bring China up-to-speed on critical areas such as cell line engineering, media development, analytical characterization strategies to establish similarity between a biosimilar and its originator drug, as well as design of multi-product facilities and implementation of single-use systems.

Bringing together global leaders to provide you with proven scientific and technical strategies and innovations on:

Cell Line Engineering, Cell Culture and Media Development Analytical Characterization, Comparability and Quality Assessment Downstream Processing and Viral Safety Single-Use Systems and Multi-Product Facilities Biosimilars Development - Regulatory and Market Challenges
Delivering you so much MORE in just 2 days...

Experts from US and Europe with proven success stories Access to international service providers Facilitated networking Tactical strategies for informed decision making

