
4th Annual International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology (ICCSB2012)

The 4th Annual International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology (ICCSB2012) (http://iccsb.sjtu.edu.cn/index.php?page=index) will be held in Oct. 14-16, Shanghai, China. The conference is jointly sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, International Association of Scientists in Interdisciplinary Areas (IASIA), and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). 

Advances in the method development and applications in computational biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, synthetic biology, molecular modeling of biological molecules, and biological data processing will be some of the topics to be discussed at the meeting.

The objective and mission of the conference are to provide a platform of communication for researchers in these fields and to foster the continuing advancement of interdisciplinary research. The prospective audience of the conference, as well as the proceedings audience, would be scientists and researchers around the world in these fields and related disciplines. The goal of the conference and its proceedings is to summarize the status of these fields, pinpoint the limitations and hurdles that remain to be overcome, and illuminate which promising directions&! nbsp;should be followed, so that researchers may be empowered to formulate new ideas for future research and push the fields forward by innovative work.  The attendance of the meeting is estimated to be around 200-300, which will consist of researchers and scientists from around the globe.

The conference committee which is currently being developed will be composed of the Organizing Committee and the Technical Program Committee. A number of high-quality submissions recommended by the Program Committee members will be selected for "Oral Presentation" at the meeting, and the remaining accepted manuscripts will be arranged for "Poster Presentation". The conference program will also contain several Keynote Lectures and a number of Plenary Lectures.

We enthusiastically invite you to come to Shanghai to participate in this meeting. And we hope this meeting will also provide you an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the city and have a memorable and pleasant visit of China.
