
“How To Realise Resultful Application Of Research Findings”
地点:第二军医大学 科技馆

论坛主席:刘斌 第二军医大学 训练部部长
论坛主持:景在平长海医院 外科教研室、普外科、血管外科主任
Frank J. Veith 美国 克利夫兰医学中心和纽约大学外科学教授
Eric Verhoeven 德国 纽伦堡临床中心 血管外科主任
景在平 第二军医大学长海医院 普外科、血管外科主任

Chairman:Liu Bin
Minister of Training Department of Second Military Medical University
Moderator:Prof. Jing Zaiping
Director of General Surgery and Vascular Surgery of Changhai Hospital
Prof. Frank J. Veith MD, PhD; Department of Surgery (Fac) NYU Vascular Surgery Associates
Prof. Eric Verhoeven MD, PhD Head of Department Klinikum Nürnberg ? Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Prof. Jing Zaiping Director of General Surgery and Vascular Surgery of Changhai Hospital

1. Frank J Vieth教授
克利夫兰临床中心、纽约大学外科教授, 外科学教授,同时是国际上最大、举办时间最长、最成功的血管论坛——VEITH会的主席,也是美国第一位行腹主动脉瘤腔内隔绝术的血管外科医师。
Veith教授曾在Montefiore医疗中心和阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦医学院担任血管外科主任和外科主任。还曾在William J. Von Liebig中心任血管外科主任和外科副主任。纽约大学血管外科向Veith教授颁发了终身成就奖,以表彰其在该领域的杰出贡献。
Veith教授毕业于康奈尔大学医学院,在哥伦比亚长老会医院完成实习,同时在Peter Bent Brigham和哈佛医学院完成住院医师培训。

The Cleveland Clinic and New York University
Chairman - VEITH Symposium (one of the largest and longest running and successful international Vascular symposiums)
The First U.S. Surgeon to Perform an Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.
Throughout his career Dr. Frank Veith has received numerous awards and honours as a leader, outstanding teacher, and innovator in vascular surgery.
Dr. Veith initially achieved success with his pioneering work in lung transplantation. In the 1970s and 80s he turned his attention toward vascular surgery with an emphasis on lower extremity revascularization procedures and the endovascular graft repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Dr. Veith first to perform an endovascular aneurysm repair in the United States.
Dr. Veith held positions as Chief of Vascular Surgery and Chairman of Surgery at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine for many years. He has held the William J. Von Liebig Chair in Vascular Surgery and has been the Vice Chairman of the Department of Surgery. The Frank J Veith Chair of Vascular Surgery at New York University has been recently established in his honour following a lifetime of excellence in Vascular Surgery.
Professional Memberships
Dr. Veith is a leading advocate for the recognition of vascular surgery as a separate and distinct specialty. He has held positions in every national vascular society and many international societies. In 1995 he was elected President of the Society for Vascular Surgery, the most prestigious society in the field. He is currently the chairman of the American Board of Vascular Surgery.
Dr. Veith graduated from Cornell University Medical School with honours before completing an internship at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York and residency training at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

2. Eric L.G. Verhoeven教授
Eric L. G. Verhoeven教授现任德国纽伦堡临床中心血管外科主任,同时还是比利时鲁汶大学血管外科教授、葡萄牙里斯本圣玛利亚医院外科客座教授。他从事血管外科事业多年,经验丰富,尤其是在主动脉瘤腔内微创治疗领域,取得了许多成就。他是欧洲以及国际多个血管外科协会成员。

Prof. Eric L. G. Verhoeven, MD, PhD, is Chief of the Department of Vascular Surgery, Klinikum Nürnberg Süd in Nürnberg, Germany; Professor of Vascular Surgery at the Department of Vascular Surgery, Leuven University in Leuven, Belgium; and Guest Professor of Surgery at the University of Lisbon, Hospital Santa Maria in Lisbon, Portugal.
1972-1978 Gymnasium in Bensberg (Germany)
1979 Medical School, part 1 at the University of Diepenbeek
1983 Medical School, part 2 at the University of Leuven
1988 Medical degree, University of Leuven
1988-1994 Surgical residency and training
1994 Board of Surgery
1995 Consultant Vascular Surgeon
1999 Management Course, University Hospital Groningen
2000 Science Writing Course, University Hospital Groningen
2001 Certificate level 4a on radiation protection, J.A. Cohen Institute, Leiden
1986 four months of surgery at the hospital in Eupen
1987 six months housemanship surgery in Leuven
1988 University Hospital in Leuven:
three months vascular surgery
three months traumatology
three months plastic surgery
three months abdominal surgery
1989 University Hospital in Leuven:
four months surgical oncology
four months general surgery
four months pediatric surgery
1990 University Hospital in Leuven:
three months thoracic surgery
three months neurosurgery
St. Vincentius Hospital in Deinze:
six months thoracic and vascular surgery, traumatology
1991 Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden:
nine months cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery
three months general and abdominal surgery
1992 Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in the United Kingdom
twelve months: vascular surgery, abdominal and laparoscopic surgery, surgical proctology and surgical endocrinology
1993 University Hospital in Leuven:
three months surgical oncology
three months thoracic surgery
three months traumatology
three months oesophageal surgery
from 8/1994 University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands
fellowship in vascular surgery
12/1995 – 10/2009 University Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands
consultant in vascular surgery
from 11/2009 Chief, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Klinikum Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany
September 7, 2005 Endovascular aneurysm repair. Results and exploration of new frontiers.
University of Groningen
January 13, 2011 Invited Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon: Treatment of Complex aortic Aneurysms with Fenestrated and Branched Grafts. (inaugurational speech)
Oktober 1, 2011 Part-time Professor of Vascular Surgery, Catholic University of Leuven with clinical and academic task: Treatment of complex aortic aneurysms with fenestrated and branched grafts.
Januari 30, 2012 Inaugurational Speech: State of The Art in Fenestrated and Branched (T)EVAR.
? Belgian Society for Vascular Surgery
? Dutch Society for Vascular Surgery
? European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
? International Society of Endovascular Surgery (ISES)
? International Society for Vascular Surgery (ISVS) (founding member)
? German Society of vascular and Endovascular Surgery
? Editorial board: Journal of Endovascular Therapy, European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Vascular, Polish journal of Vascular Surgery, Indian Journal of Vascular Surgery, Endovascular Today, Técnicas Endovasculares
? Programme Director of Charing Cross Symposium.
Command of languages: French, Dutch, German, English, and Spanish
Hobbies: golf, tennis, ski, travel.

3. 景在平教授
现任第二军医大学附属长海医院普外科主任、血管外科主任、上海市血管系统疾病临床医学中心主任、全军血管外科研究所所长。兼任中华医学会血管外科学组副组长,全军血管外科学组组长,全军普外科委员会副主任委员,第二军医大学学位委员会外科分委会主任委员,国际腔内血管专家协会、亚洲、欧洲、德国血管外科协会委员;荣任《Journal of Endovascular therapy》、《中华外科杂志》等等10余种国内杂志编委,《首批入选上海市卫生系统百名优秀跨世纪学科带头人培养计划,获得全军育才金奖”,全军“科技银星”,“上海市医学领军人才” “等称号,享受国务院特殊津贴。
