
The Annual Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference is designed to provide a clear understanding of the need for multidisciplinary strategies in the management of patients with brain injuries. A renowned faculty of interdisciplinary specialists will present the latest in research and outcomes from a variety of medical perspectives. Topics include interventions and management for medical and physical rehabilitation as well as cognitive, emotional, and social problems common to brain injury patients. A strong emphasis on the need for increased quality, efficiency, and value in response to health care reform will be a consistent theme throughout the course as we continue our quest for excellence in brain injury treatment and rehabilitation. For Additional Information Scripps Conference Services & CME 11025 North Torrey Pines Road Suite 200, Mailstop SCRC200 La Jolla, CA 92037 Email med.edu@scrippshealth.org Phone 858-652-5400 Fax 858-652-5565 Visit www.scripps.org/conferenceservices